Anderson Cooper’s tribute to the Tree of Life Synagogue’s victims.
Anderson’s calm, respectful style and tone is perfect. What a pro! Sincere, warm and authentic:
How poignant it is that the Synagogue/Temple/Shul is just 5 minutes from where Fred ‘Mister’ Rogers lived, a man of love, kindness, tolerance and empathy.
Hatred and division must never be allowed to conquer love and togetherness, it must never extinguish “Mister Rogers’” flame!
Massacres like this, racist attacks on Jews, Muslims, blacks, minorities, bigoted attacks on LGBT people, they must serve to strengthen our resolve to come together, to work together, to hear, AND LISTEN TO, each other, to listen with an OPEN MIND, to examine, acknowledge and chip away at our own prejudices, to empathise, to try to imagine being in “the other person’s shoes”….
This has to be our response to racism, bigotry, hatred, ignorance, intolerance and violence, otherwise the racists win. The hatred must serve to motivate us to build what racists want to destroy.
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