Day and night, I have to write, crunching words, playing with rhymes, thinking, in poetry land, always a notebook and pencil to hand. Scribbling, dribbling words on the paper, it’s like a caper, verses dancing, whilst I’m romancing about perfection. Writing is my art, I have a passion, but why this fashion, why poetry, why not the spoken word, why not oratory? My mind is a laboratory, always playing with ...
"Today, I’m tired, can’t write, try as I might, there are no words in my head, my thought processes are dead, no imagination, no creation taking shape, nothing on the poetry landscape. I never know, from one day to the next, if it’ll be there or if I’ll just stare at a blank sheet of paper. One day, alive and kicking, the next, it’s gone missing, I’m on ...