"Went left, not right,What a plight!Went right, not left, I was bereft!I left, didn't stay,Why didn't I obey?I stayed, didn't leave,Why didn't I believe?But the road I travelled to get me here,To my children and my darling dear,It was the only road,Truth be told.So, mistakes, errors: regrets?Should I be miffed?No, they were blessings,They were a gift." ...
A book I’m reading – WORKING THROUGH – at the moment, ‘BEYOND HAPPINESS, HOW TO FIND LASTING MEANING AND JOY IN ALL THAT YOU HAVE’, by Sir Anthony Seldon (@AnthonySeldon), I feel like it’s a psychologist or a therapist, a Priest taking ‘Confession’, a mentor – I have never had to dig so deep into my soul, ...