For me, what we have here, music composed by the colossus, Michael Legrand, lyrics by the legends, Alan and Marilyn Bergman (French lyrics by Jacques Demy), on piano, the enigmatic Evans, Bill Evans, that mercurial maestro, and the voracious vocalist, the icon, Tony Bennett, we have in this team effort which produced this recording of ‘You Must Believe In Spring’, we have a work of perfection.
Read these lyrics, ingest them, digest them, feel them, listen to them, they are astoundingly beautiful!
“When lonely feelings chill the meadows of your mind,
Just think if winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Beneath the deepest snows, the secret of a rose,
Is merely that it knows, you must believe in spring;
Just as a tree is sure its leaves will re-appear,
It knows its emptiness is just a time of year,
The frozen mountain dreams,
Of April’s melting streams,
How crystal clear it seems,
You must believe in spring;
You must believe in love and trust it’s on its way,
Just as a sleeping rose awaits the kiss of May,
So in a world of snow,
Of things that come and go,
Where what you think you know,
You can’t be certain of,
You must believe in spring and love.
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