For me, what we have here, music composed by the colossus, Michael Legrand, lyrics by the legends, Alan and Marilyn Bergman (French lyrics by Jacques Demy), on piano, the enigmatic Evans, Bill Evans, that mercurial maestro, and the voracious vocalist, the icon, Tony Bennett, we have in this team effort which produced this recording of ...
Music, My Drug Of Choice
As Jews, we're deep into Sefiras Ha'Omer (the counting of the days of the Omer) now and for part of this time, we observe a period of mourning (commemorating the death of 24,000 of Rabbi Akiva z''l's sudents). There are many minhagim (customs) in the matter of when, during the 49 days of the Omer, ...
I Will Wait For You
I have just been introduced to the beautiful "I Will Wait For You", great renditions by Frank, Connie Francis and other greats but this, by the composer of the piece, Michel Legrand, I've just watched it and I was aghast...I was blown away, is magnificent!