“Feeling like the lights are on but no one’s in,

like I’m being punished for committing a sin,

silence, nothing doing, brain not working,

I’m not shirking, my brain really is not working,

it’s like my on/off switch is in the off position,

I haven’t got the mental wherewithal to make a decision,

I just cannot think, can’t do anything,

I’ve lost my mojo, my ring-a-ding-ding.

AH! WAIT! Of course, stupid me,

now I realise, no surprise,

I’ve forgotten to take my pills,

the pills for my ills,

no wonder the depression,

no wonder I’ve gone into recession,

going almost nowhere,

slow like the tortoise, not fast like the hare.

I’ve taken them now,

just got to wait,

I’ll pick up soon,

I’ll get to the starting gate,

if I needed proof that depression is real,

this is it, no pills, over I keel,

I can’t really put into words how I feel,

there’s just nothing there,

all I can do is sit and stare.

BUT I’ll be ok in a short while,

back to my face will return a smile,

and I’ll go for a run later today,

that and the pills, they’ll render me more than ok,

I’ll be back to my old self,

feeling a wealth of joy and gratitude,

it’ll be back, the right attitude,

I’ll be fine in no time,

I shall find my mojo,

not for long will I be in slow mode.

I’ve learnt over the years how to live with this,

I manage,

the savage black dog,

I won’t let him ravage me,

you’ll see,

I won’t be long,

I’m strong, back soon,

in that short while,

with that Koby smile 😁.”


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