“Some quotations really resonate,
and this one, by James Michener, is great:
‘I love writing.
I love the swirl
and swing of words
as they tangle with human emotions.’
Now, THAT is a notion,
replete with emotion,
which really strikes
a chord with me.
Thanks to depression and ADHD,
which numbed my mind,
made me ‘blind’,
as a kid at school,
I just couldn’t see it:
to get my English Language ‘O’-Level
took a re-sit!
History was a mystery;
in Latin, I’d be chattin’,
I simply couldn’t concentrate,
in class, I couldn’t integrate,
but the conditions weren’t recognised,
and instead of help and a leg-up,
most of the teachers gave up
and stuck me at the back of the room
– I may as well have been plonked on the moon!
If I’d had the pills for my later-diagnosed ills,
I’d have done my duty,
but, more, I’d have seen the beauty
in English, in all of my subjects,
in learning, in education,
lessons wouldn’t have been a bore,
homework wouldn’t have been a chore.
What could have been,
if I had seen,
if my days hadn’t been hazy,
if I hadn’t been labelled naughty and lazy.
They tried to slam the door,
but I still got into uni to study law,
and, what’s more,
I came out fighting,
I discovered the beauty of the English language, reading and writing.
I guess, for all my costly education,
all that was bought,
I am largely self-taught.
Well, I did have some teachers who, for me, gave up their time,
perhaps it’s thanks to them that I am writing this rhyme.
But now I’m on a journey of discovery,
and it is beautiful,
it fills me with awe to my very core,
it is meaningful, fulfilling and thrilling
so I cannot be beset by regret.” – koby
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