The second most beautiful experience we can have in life is witnessing compassion, empathy, love and kindness, witnessing the manifestation of the very best of humanity:
THE most beautiful experience we can enjoy in life is acting – OURSELVES – with compassion, empathy, love and kindness and witnessing the reaction from those towards whom the humanity is directed: this is where true joy resides, this is our purpose in life. Whether you look to religion or science and Darwin for an answer to the question, “what is our purpose on Earth?”, I humbly believe that the answer is, “to make the world a better place” and the only way to do that is to touch it with compassion, empathy, love, kindness, tolerance, gratitude and forgiveness.
Tragically, we are corrupted throughout our lives by much of what we experience, our minds become cluttered, our senses dulled, we can be weak, selfish, ‘blind’, insensitive, but fail though we do at times, we must set our standards in line with the pieces inherent in the human condition jigsaw: compassion, empathy, love, kindness, tolerance, gratitude and forgiveness, including towards ourselves!
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