Words don’t just hurt, they break, destroy and kill.
To bully is to assault.
A child, motionless, silent, in a group which includes a bully is himself/herself guilty by association, is complicit in the assault, is also a bully.
Bullying is a pandemic, a scourge, it affects and destroys the lives of children and teenagers all around the world, it affects and destroys whole families.
This week (Nov 13th – 19th) is International Bullying Awareness Week.
Educate your children.
Bullying can be subtle, seemingly mild, only meant to be ‘a bit of fun’. Bullying isn’t necessarily intended to hurt but a mere look, the act of leaving a ‘friend’ out of a group, ignoring a friend because someone else in the ‘group’ doesn’t like him/her, ignoring someone simply because he doesn’t play football, just laughing at a friend’s trainers because they aren’t the latest, coolest ones, the effect can be all-encompassing and it can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, an accumulation of words which breaks a child. A hurtful comment on Facebook or What’sApp, so easily done because the bully doesn’t even see his/her victim, it, too, can break a child.
So many children have
a) been bullied
b) have been a bully (and might not even realise that their words/actions amount to bullying!!)
c) have been in the vicinity of bullying.
Is you child in any or all of the above? Do you know FOR SURE?
Education is key.
We can – we MUST – all help to raise awareness of bullying and the devastating effects it has on children’s and their families’ lives.
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